The Brand
The DoorChime.Com Brand

Our website, was a brand that marketed wireless door chimes and wired doorbells. Over the years the website expanded its product line into driveway alarms and entrance alert products, then to holiday
To improve our customers' experience, we are consolidating our brands into one website, All of the products that were available on are offered on We want to thank you for visiting and encourage you to shop for your door chime and doorbell needs on
Wired Doorbells: We offer a full line of wired doorbells from manufacturers like Carlon, Heath-Zenith, Honeywell, and IChime. Whether you are looking for a decorative doorbell, a more generic doorbell, or a prepackaged doorbell kit that includes all the components necessary for installation, we have them at
Door Chimes: Our door chimes are wireless devices available in plug-in and battery-powered versions. Wireless, when it pertains to door chimes, means the products are wireless from the doorbell or door chime transmitter, the push button, to the receiver. In most cases, wireless door chime versions will be cross-compatible with the same manufacturer's products. This is true for all the wireless door chimes carried on this website except the Honeywell line of wireless door chimes. These products will have a "compatibility letter" to determine what products they will be compatible with.
Entry Alerts: Similar to doorbells, entrance alerts (entry alarms) are installed to alert you to visitors. The difference between the common doorbell and an entrance alert is that a visitor does not have to physically push a button for an entry alert chime to work. These products will work by:
- Triggering a chime sound when motion is detected in a monitored zone
- A monitored door or window is opened
When the transmitter (sensor) is triggered, a receiver will emit a chime or alarm sound, depending on the model. These products are invaluable for both residential homes and commercial locations alike. Residential examples may be using an entry chime to alert you when an exterior door is opened, or a gate to the pool is opened. Commercial applications include situations like entrance into your store, or a delivery truck pulling up to the loading dock.
Driveway Alarms: These products are very similar to an entrance alert with the main difference in the sensor. For entrance alerts, they typically will emit more of a canonical zone (a fan shape), whereas a driveway alarm transmitter will emit more of a straight beam that will shoot across a monitored zone, like a driveway. When a car or truck breaks the beam, the transmitter sends a wireless signal to a plug-in receiver.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call or email us.