DIY Doorbell FIxes

How to Avoid Interference with Your Neighbor's Doorbell

How to Avoid Interference with Your Neighbor's Doorbell

When we refer to interference when talking about entrance alerts, wireless doorbells, and driveway alarms, we are referencing nearby devices activating your products. A good example would be a wireless door chime ringing, you go to the door, and no one is there. Often times this happens when a nearby device, within range, is on the same frequency of your wireless device.

Privacy codes enable you to modify the frequency, eliminating this interference. This article covers, in detail, how to change the privacy codes on your wireless doorbells.

Using a New Push Button for an Old Carlon Chime

Using a New Push Button for an Old Carlon Chime

We have customers who call us with Carlon products they've had for 5, 10, or more years. After years of reliable service, their old push button or door chime receiver gave out on them and they want to replace it. This article walks you through the process of determining whether or not your older product will be compatible with the new "SAW" wireless technology of current Carlon products

I Can't Find My Doorbell Transformer

I Can't Find My Doorbell Transformer

For a wired doorbell system in your home, think of the doorbell transformer as the power supply your push button and doorbell need to come to life. A transformer "transforms" the power 110V power supply in your home and converts it, or steps it down, to a lower voltage suitable for your door chime.
Although it might be a little confusing at first glance, installing a wired door chime transformer is not too difficult a task. This article outlines the basic steps to installation and how to select the right doorbell transformer.